Armenia-inspired Stained Glass Commission

This commission had many elements that needed considering. My patron is Armenia and wanted colors, flowers, and “the evil eye: in some kind of composition. As I was researching Armenia, the countries flowers and the importance of life from their point of view, I found the Kalala tree from Washington State. Not from Armenia but a Tree of Life that exists in the country where my patron now resides. Genocide, struggle, rebirth, protection from misfortune and good luck. The flag representing the rising/setting sun.

So many complex meanings and this glass panel became naturally complex too. I made many sketches before deciding on the final pattern.

Commission work sometimes stretches my skill and my thinking in ways I would not have considered.

Michaele Lee Rose

About Michaelé Rose Watson

Michaelé Rose is an innovative, modern artist creating conceptual art in mixed media and a custom stained glass expert, specializing in Architectural Stained Glass Restoration.

Studio M

Michaelé Rose Watson
217 Middle St.
New Bern, NC 28560


Studio Hours

Private appointments Encouraged

Saturday & Sunday 11:00 PM - 6:00 PM

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