1900s British Panels Restoration

Two broken 1900s British panels found their way through my doors. Did I mention I have restored so many of these stained glass panels I have lost count?

Do you see how these panels are bending right through the center? Plus the yellow glass has been discontinued as so many hand-made textures of colored glass. So, how to fix both issues … I repositioned the textured yellow reed glass to stop the bending and added a 1900s hammered yellow textured glass from this same period in time to fill in the border gaps.

The results: design issue is resolved, hammered yellow added to the border is correct, and both panels are framed in wood. Good to go for another 100 years.

Michaele Lee Rose

About Michaelé Rose Watson

Michaelé Rose is an innovative, modern artist creating conceptual art in mixed media and a custom stained glass expert, specializing in Architectural Stained Glass Restoration.

Studio M

Michaelé Rose Watson
217 Middle St.
New Bern, NC 28560


Studio Hours

Private appointments Encouraged

Saturday & Sunday 11:00 PM - 6:00 PM

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