The Jarvis B&B Transom

Custom beveled and fused stained glass transom for The Jarvis Bed & Breakfast at 220 Pollock St. New Bern. This is one of the most beautiful panels I have ever created.

August 18: Getting ready to install the transom above the front door. If you have not taken a tour of The Jarvis, I recommend you do so. Michael and Denise Batastini Gleason have restored this Bed & Breakfast to perfection.

Michael Gleason helped John with the install. As you can see, Michael, Denise Batastini Gleason’s husband, is very good at directing the next steps necessary for installation.

Michaele Lee Rose

About Michaelé Rose Watson

Michaelé Rose is an innovative, modern artist creating conceptual art in mixed media and a custom stained glass expert, specializing in Architectural Stained Glass Restoration.

Studio M

Michaelé Rose Watson
217 Middle St.
New Bern, NC 28560


Studio Hours

Private appointments Encouraged

Saturday & Sunday 11:00 PM - 6:00 PM

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