Hand-blown Saint-Gobain glass from Saint-Just in France. This glass was made in the 1980s-1990s by a few extremely creative French glassblowers. When we find these old treasured glass panels, we frame them to be hung as glass paintings to be cherished and enjoyed.
There were a handful of glassblowers that wanted their glass to be enjoyed as Art and not cut up to be used in other designs. This movement began in the early 1970s, Washington State in America and those glassblowers became known as Uroboros. As word grew on what American glass glassblowers were up too (“you know those crazy Americans, they just have to change things up all the time”), European glassblowers wanted to give it a go as well, and here you are looking at some fine examples of Saint-Gobain 1980s-90s mouth-blown glass creations.
A couple on vacation wandered into Studio M, and I was getting the Saint-Gobain ready for framing. The wife is French and visited Saint-Just when she was a little girl with her parents and still remembered those glassblowers making glass. She now lives in America. Coincidence? I think not.
So, for their anniversary, the husband reached out and wanted to have them framed as a present for his wife and their 25th wedding anniversary. He picked them up yesterday and promises to send me an image of the space they will be hanging and being enjoyed for another 25 years and beyond.