1900s English Panel Restored

Restored this 1900s English panel. I have repaired and restored so many of these English panels that I have lost count. Many of the clear glass textures are not available anymore. I do my best to stock up on them as I sometimes find a few in old collections. Next to impossible sometimes.

Many of these old panels were made with light amber textures and purple colors. Sometimes I have the texture but not the color and vice-a-versa. I used to pride myself on finding all the correct glass when it came to repairing these little gems.

1900s stained glass panel with flower in middle

Michaele Lee Rose

About Michaelé Rose Watson

Michaelé Rose is an innovative, modern artist creating conceptual art in mixed media and a custom stained glass expert, specializing in Architectural Stained Glass Restoration.

Studio M

Michaelé Rose Watson
217 Middle St.
New Bern, NC 28560


Studio Hours

Private appointments Encouraged

Saturday & Sunday 11:00 PM - 6:00 PM

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